Appeal for support

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In the past year, users of the Village Hall have been generally impressed with the facilities and its cleanliness, but age is fast catching up with the 50-year-old building.

Exterior view
Exterior view

Over the past months, we have redecorated the Hall and replaced various fittings. Nonetheless recent poor weather has led to several problems with the electrics, leaking roof, drainage, heating, and wastewater disposal. All this, without major investment, and of course all the rises in heating, water charges etc., that we all face, have increased our operating costs significantly.

We can’t simply pass on all these extra costs on to hirers without impacting the critical services provided. Looking forward we are developing proposals for an energy efficient new Hall that will meet the future needs of the community. Meanwhile keeping the current Hall going, requires help from the community, particularly useful skills would be:

  • Marketing or experience in fund raising
  • Trade skills including electrics, plumbing and carpentry
  • Architecture or Law
  • Helping with administration or events

Or maybe you can just give some time? Or how about supporting us financially by
joining the 100 Club or by making regular donations? If you are interested in
helping, please respond on the email below with your contact details and if possible,
a short description about how you can help with the Hall for the benefit of all our

Harold Cleminson
Chair of CCA Trustees


Last modified: 17 April 2024