Do you feel lucky?

The 100 club is a lottery that raises money for the CCA to help look after Capel Village Hall.

It’s a lottery that raises money for the CCA to help look after Capel Village Hall.

Members pay £10 a quarter by standing order, thus £40 per year. Half goes to the CCA and half goes as prize money. There are monthly and quarterly prizes, and even an annual jackpot!

It’s a bit like the National Lottery, so you can have a flutter and maybe a bit of fun. At the same time 50% goes to our good cause, the Capel Village Hall, whereas only 25% of Lotto goes to their good causes, so this is really good value.

Just fill in the Application Form and Bank Mandate, and give it to the CCA. That would be wonderful.

PS: If you can help the CCA that little bit extra, why not take out a second membership or gift one to family or friends?

Happy Members
0 +
Sunny exterior view
View from the window
Exterior view

We believe that in everything we do, it is an active part
of social, cultural and environmental change.

We touch dozens of lives of everyday people making real differences to people’s physical, mental and emotional health. Here are a few stats:

indoor facilities for our members
community events per year
0 +
community projects

Matter of issues of sustainability

You're in the right place to make things right!

We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle, hike or exercise safely, easily and enjoyably.

We want a cleaner, happier and healthier world. We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.

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Ross Marlow

Chairman, UnityPress Club

We are grateful to our awesome sponsors. Thank you!

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