The Capel Community Association

The Capel Community Association (CCA) was established as a registered charity on 27th June 1973, now celebrating 50 years of being at the heart of our community. The founding Trustees set out clear objectives for the Trust to advance education and facilitate recreational interests for the community of Capel and surrounding neighbourhood. To be accomplished through the provision of a Village Hall, its management and ongoing maintenance.


After major fund-raising activity and securing grants, the Capel Village Hall was formally opened in 1977. From then to now the Hall has been utilised for many activities and crucially the establishment of a Pre-school for local children. The Pre-school and its staff have been the mainstay of support for the local community, providing education for pre-school children and much needed support for their parents.
The Hall continues to be the home of the Capel Pre-school along with providing facilities for other local groups including Bowling, Guides, Scouts, Line Dancing and Gardening Clubs and Football Changing facilities, and is open to be booked for parties, weddings and other celebrations and events, throughout the year.


Approaching its 50th year the Hall remains in operation providing a safe and secure environment for all those that use its facilities. As time progresses new requirements of Government, Regulatory Authorities, and improved expectations of service, require ongoing change and increased commitment from the CCA and community at large.


In 2018 aligned to modern practice the constitution of the trust changed to a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation. This did not affect the objectives or activities of the CCA nor its intentions those remain the improved education and recreational needs of all those in and around our community.
Like everyone in recent years world events have impacted the work of the CCA, although we are able to continue our work, we do need help in the form of human and funding resources to secure our future and continue to provide critical facilities for our users and the community at large.


To meet this aspiration, we are now actively reviewing immediate needs and actions to sustain the existing Village Hall and its operations whilst considering options and opportunities to upgrade or renew our facilities within its present environment. This can only be achieved with the ongoing support of our Community, Members, Volunteers, Users other Institutions and Local Authorities along with essential funding.


As these plans are developed, we will consult and share them with you, meanwhile why not join our team as Member, Volunteer or Trustee and be an integral part of delivering our future!

We believe that in everything we do, it is an active part
of social, cultural and environmental change.

We touch dozens of lives of everyday people making real differences to people’s physical, mental and emotional health. Here are a few stats:

indoor facilities for our members
community events per year
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community projects

Matter of issues of sustainability

You're in the right place to make things right!

We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle, hike or exercise safely, easily and enjoyably.

We want a cleaner, happier and healthier world. We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.

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Ross Marlow

Chairman, UnityPress Club

We are grateful to our awesome sponsors. Thank you!

Who We Are

Our club supports people to take up outdoor activities as a life-long pursuit.

Non-Profit Recreational Organization.
We currently operate throughout the whole town and district.
Happy Members
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