Board of Trustees

Trustees provide a strategic direction and future of the trust, maintain an overview on meeting set objectives and have the final decision on major investment, resource, and capital requirements. Receive regular reports from the subcommittees noting compliance with CCA objectives, decisions made with allocated remits, requests for approval outside those limits, opportunities and options for action and matters of significance including but not limited to finance, funding, income, and expenditure. The trustees meet at regular intervals no more than eight weeks apart.  All trustees to participate in nominated sub-committee to provide leadership and or liaison between the subcommittees and main Trustee board.

  • Chair / Vice Chair
    • Operations
      • Jim Young
      • Harold Cleminson
    • Finance
      • Gordon Hardwick
      • Hugh Patterson
    • Community
      • Joanna Corcoran
      • Alison Smith


  • Minimum 3 to Maximum 11 Trustees
  • Trustee committee to be led by a nominated Chair in fulfilment of their role (Outlined below).
  • Supported by a Vice Chair to act as deputy and take leadership role in the absence of the Chair.
  • With participation by direct employees / volunteers in management roles where appropriate.
  • Other guests at the invitation of the Sub-committee to support the Trustee decision process.

Operations sub-committee


  • Day to day operations of the Hall.
  • Ensure HR employees & volunteer management and wellbeing practice and policy are in accordance with CCA polices and recommended best practice.
  • Procurement and management of service, utility, product, and insurance contracts.
  • Ensuring all required licences, regulatory and statutory compliance requirements are met.
  • Maintain the property in a safe, secure, and good working order.
  • Ensure the energy needs of the property are effectively managed to waste, impact on the environment and costs.
  • Lead or Chair of a sub-committee can be either (Trustee or Volunteer of the CCA).
  • Assist the Finance and Community Sub-committees in fulfilment of their obligations.
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Jim Young
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  • Between 3 to 6 participants.
  • Comprising two main board Trustees acting as liaison / leadership.
  • Supported by knowledgeable volunteers as attendees and advisors.
  • With participation by direct employees / volunteers in management roles where appropriate.

Finance sub-committee


  • Monitor and record expenditure and income from CCA activities, amenities, services, and events.
  • Manage pay, HRMC tax, pension, and employment law liabilities for employees.
  • Manage bank account access, expenditure authorisations and investments.
  • Prepare and provide regular reports on profit and loss of CCA to Trustee Committee.
  • Ensure any irregularities in spend or income are noted, investigated as needed and reported to Trustee Committee.
  • Act in liaison with the appointed Auditor in preparation annual financial accounts.
  • Liaise with other subcommittees in preparation of Charity Commission TAR.
  • Make recommendations on appointment of accounting support, bank services and annual auditor appointment.
  • Assist the Trustee Treasurer and Trust Secretary in fulfilment of their roles.
  • Lead or Chair of a subcommittee can be either (Trustee or Volunteer of the CCA).
  • Enable the Operations and Community Sub-committees in fulfilment of their obligations.
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  • Between 3 to 6 participants.
  • Comprising two main board Trustees acting as liaison / leadership.
  • Supported by knowledgeable volunteers as attendees and advisors.
  • With participation by direct employees / volunteers in management roles where appropriate.
  • Guests at the invitation of the sub-committee to support the output of the sub-committee.

Community sub-committee


  • To represent the CCA in all its activities in service of the community.
  • To promote the CCA services to the broader community.
  • Devise and organise in liaison with other sub-committee involvement events and promotions, based on CCA objectives and community need.
  • Lead the CCA in seeking funding from sponsors, grants, donations and CCA promotional activities.
  • Manage Web site, and external comminutions with press and other official or statutory bodies.
  • To ensure day to day operations and management of pre-school is undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements, standards, and policies.
  • Monitor and record expenditure and income from pre-school activities, amenities, and services reporting as required to the Finance Sub-committee in compliance with statutory, regulatory, and corporate legislation.
  • In liaison with the Finance Sub-committee agree income targets and pricing for services.
  • Ensure all safeguarding, child protection and education regulations are in place and monitored in accordance with statutory and CCA requirements.
  • Liaise with other subcommittees in preparation of Charity Commission TAR.
  • Ensure all data pertaining to employees, volunteers and public utilising pre-school services is maintained in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Assist trust Secretary in fulfilment of their role.
  • Assist the Operations and Finance Sub-committees in fulfilment of their obligations.
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  • Between 3 to 6 participants.
  • Lead or Chair of a subcommittee can be either (Trustee or Volunteer of the CCA).
  • Comprising two main board Trustees acting as liaison / leadership.
  • Supported by knowledgeable volunteers as attendees and advisors.
  • With participation by direct employees / volunteers in management roles where appropriate.